The Saga So Far...

 Last night, I spent a few hours considering and writing up textual wall displays for the 'museum' exhibition, covering a healing charm and a bardic elegy which both feature in the poetic text, including some 'scholarship' regarding the text itself, and its 'translation' and interpretation. I'll continue work on these and get them printed up, along with colour matt prints of the 'land art' images.

Today, taking advantage of the prevailing good weather, I got on with finishing off the four stone pieces which I've been working on this month so far. I added runic names to the 'lunar stone' (not very clear in the below image) and scrubbed and washed them all down, getting rid of the lingering dust which covers not only the stone surface but also clogs up the lines. The stone is so soft that even the toothbrush marks have begun to show up so I had to change to a small paintbrush to clean out the engraved lines.

This leaves one stone left, the Gydena/Hrefni/cosmic beast design, which is by far the most complex one, and why I've left it to the end - to have had time to practice all the required techniques before tackling it. The challenge is not only in the detail but also in its comparitively small size, but as the designated stone is red sandstone, I should be able to simply etch it by hand alone, as with the 'lunar stone'. Gradually, this whole project is starting to take shape.


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